12 May 2016
Two Self-Paced Language Learning and Supplementary Language Support Programs

23 February 2016
Legal Essay Contest Catalog
Sponsored by Richmond School of Law, The T.C. Williams Legal Essay Contest Catalog is a comprehensive web-based collection of writing competitions for law students. These essay contests provide excellent opportunities for law students …

07 January 2016
New ProQuest Databases Boast Expansive Collections
Indian Claims Insight Indian Claims Insight is a database covering 1789- present that allows researchers to trace the history of specific claims made by Indian Nations and access associated full text documents. The …

12 November 2015
Goodbye Loislaw… Hello Fastcase!
Loislaw will no longer be accessible after November 30, 2015. Fastcase has partnered with Wolters Kluwer to help provide former Loislaw users with a new research platform. This transition will be an easy one for …

06 November 2015
PLi Discover Plus
The Library is now offering access to a great new resource, PLi Discover Plus. This expansive eBook library includes practice-centered materials including books (treatises, answer books, course handbooks), legal forms, and CLE program transcripts. …

15 October 2015
Secrets and Spies
New Database Acquisitions US Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009 The U.S intelligence community has been monitoring major wars and conflicts in the Middle East since 1945. These conflicts include civil wars, terrorist …

15 September 2015
Need Help? Ask The Reference Desk
Are you a 1L working through one of your weekly research assignments? Are you doing research for your substantial writing? Do you have research questions for work? If so, we’d like to help you! …

18 August 2015
HeinOnline: Introducing Enhanced Interface 101
HeinOnline has just released a new, enhanced interface that is both modern and fresh. If you are like me you probably loved Hein’s content, but did not love the awkward and sometimes confusing …

29 July 2015
New ProQuest Congressional Interface Launched
On July 28th ProQuest Congressional launched its new interface. The fresh new look is both appealing and user-friendly. Some of the improvements include: Home page:quick starting points to help new users connect with …

14 July 2015
HeinOnline’s ALI Library Now Includes Current Content!
Due to a new agreement with the American Law Institute, HeinOnline’s ALI Library will now contain current content, including pocket parts. This means that ALI Library users can conduct research by accessing both …

06 July 2015
BYU Law Paper Series now on SSRN
Take a look at the exciting things BYU law faculty members are working on by subscribing to the Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark Law School Research Paper Series on SSRN.

19 June 2015
It’s that time again when hotly anticipated orders are being issued by the U.S.’ top court. This session the Court is addressing everything from religious rights in the workplace (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission …

29 May 2015
Statistical Abstracts of the U.S. Reboot
ProQuest’s Statistical Abstracts of the U.S. is getting a makeover! The cleaner, more intuitive interface will go live June 1st ProQuest has based the upgrade on extensive user testing and feedback. Their goal …

20 May 2015
Religion & the Law
The Law Library is excited to announce the newly acquired digital library, HeinOnline’s Religion & the Law. Included in the collection are books, periodicals and bibliographies that relate to religion and the law. …

24 April 2015
Unique Database Available Soon…
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 This interesting digital collection contains over 4,000 formerly classified U.S. government documents. These primary source documents provide a comprehensive survey of the U.S. intelligence community’s activities in Europe …

14 April 2015
Celebrate National Library Week
“Unlimited Possibilities @ Your Library” Honorary Chair of National Library Week 2015: Best-selling author David Baldacci Events Monday April 13: 2015 State of America’s Libraries Report released Tuesday, April 14: National Library Workers …

27 March 2015
ProQuest’s Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations 1789-2014
The President of the United States uses Executive Orders to execute a wide variety of actions with regard to the internal operations and organization of the Federal Government as well as foreign and …

09 March 2015