Library & Legal Resources News

The seventh annual vLex International Law and Technology Writing Competition is accepting entries now until December 1, 2023 23:59 pm GMT (4:59 PM MST). The grand prize is 1,500 English pounds and publication to a global audience. Runners up (winners of each …

Apply to be an Innovation Fellow!
19 October 2023
Update: These positions have been filled. Position Overview The BYU Law Library is seeking to hire 1-2 students as Innovation Fellows. This role offers students a chance to participate in developing and refining the Library’s Legal Tech Initiative and to conduct research …

Celebrating 50 Years of BYU Law School: A Look Back at the Law Library 50 Years Ago
12 October 2023
As we celebrate the founding of the BYU Law School 50 years ago, it is fun to look back on the beginnings of the BYU Law Library and how far we've come. Starting a library from scratch is not easy, but Dean …

Enter Bloomberg Law’s Writing Competition on Law and Technology
04 October 2023
Bloomberg Law has announced a writing competition for law students. Entries need to be 750 words and are due November 1st, 2023. Bloomberg Law will publish the winning entry on its website outside of the paywall and send the winner a swag …

How to Locate Supreme Court Briefs
03 October 2023
The United States Supreme Court is back in session this week, and we're marking the occasion with a quick rundown on the best places to locate briefs filed before the highest court of the land. SupremeCourt.gov. The Supreme Court's official website, supremecourt.gov, …

Having Problems Loading E-Books in the Aspen Learning Library?
28 September 2023
Some people (including me) are having trouble accessing e-books on the Aspen Learning Library website. We can get into the website just fine, but when we try to open a book, all we see is a doom spiral: The Dreaded Doom Spiral …

How to Use SSRN, a Source for the Hottest New Legal Scholarship
20 September 2023
Publishing an article takes a long time. Editors make suggestions. The writer makes changes. Citations are double-checked. Then formatting and final edits. The entire process can take months or even years. So how do legal researchers ensure they have read the most …

Win Some New Library Swag at the Library Fair on Thursday!
11 September 2023
Just in: new library swag! Visit the Library Fair this Thursday September 14 to play plinko and win a prize! We will have sugary treats for all visitors (while supplies last) and helpful information about library services and resources. Drop by for …

How to Find Forms
30 August 2023
If you are looking for a form to copy and/or use as a jumping off point for a court document or transactional document that you need to write, you may come into the BYU Law Library for help. For law students, a …

Library Leadership Change: Welcome New Library Director Shawn Nevers
22 August 2023
BYU Law Library Director Shawn Nevers We are happy to introduce Shawn Nevers as the new director of the BYU Howard W. Hunter Law Library! Shawn is a graduate of the Law School Class of '05 where he served as a member …

New Research Guide on The Bluebook to Help Law Review Editors & Substantial Writing Papers
15 August 2023
The BYU Law Library has a new research guide on The Bluebook to help law review editors and law students who are working on substantial writing papers. The research guide focuses on the white pages of The Bluebook, which are for academic papers, rather …

New Job Posting – Come Be Our Reference Specialist!
12 June 2023
The BYU Law Library seeks a part-time Reference Specialist. In this role, the Reference Specialist staffs the Reference Desk, providing reference and research support both in-person and via telephone, email, and chat to faculty, students, and members of the public. Additionally, the …

Summer Access: Lexis+, Bloomberg Law, Westlaw, and More
03 April 2023
It feels like Narnia's endless winter outside, but summer is almost here with its opportunities for externships, internships, summer jobs, and hopefully some outdoor fun! If you are doing research over the summer for a professor, a firm, or other organization, the …

HeinOnline Completes Indexing for All Utah Session Laws Back to 1851
14 March 2023
HeinOnline has long been a valuable source of historical legal information. Over the years, Hein has digitized state session laws and state statutes that extend to pre-statehood materials whenever possible. These historical materials can be found in the following locations in HeinOnline: …

Casetext Launches New AI Legal Assistant Based on Same Technology as ChatGPT
02 March 2023
Casetext made a huge announcement yesterday--the release of "the first AI legal assistant" based on OpenAI's natural language processing model. Click here to view the press release. The tool, named CoCounsel, is based on the same technology as the headline-grabbing ChatGPT. But …

Understanding How Congressional Bills Are Numbered
17 February 2023
When locating the original text of Congressional bills, it is important to understand how Congressional bills are numbered. Each bill is assigned a number in sequential order when it is introduced into Congress. The bill is given a prefix to indicate the …

Shortcuts for Creating 50-State Surveys
06 February 2023
A 50-State survey is a compilation of state laws on a narrow topic gathered for the purpose of comparison. Scholars use these surveys to analyze and understand the law. Corporations use them to make business decisions such as determining where to expand …

New Year, New Database: Jus Mundi for International Arbitration
18 January 2023
We are excited to announce the addition of a new database to our collections: Jus Mundi for international arbitration research. Jus Mundi has an extensive collection of cases for investment arbitration, commercial arbitration, international trade, public international law, and law of the …