Chat With Us!

As the holidays and finals are approaching, and you may be traveling home, remember that you can always chat with a law librarian! We strive to offer our chat services 9am to 5pm …

Researching Newspapers

Sometimes your research requires you to look at newspaper articles--sometimes newspaper articles that are more recent (even the week-of) and sometimes newspaper articles that are more historical. For example, a newspaper article from …

Historical Utah Codes

The BYU Law Library keeps previous versions of the Utah Code, so we've built up quite an extensive collection of historical Utah Codes. We have from 1855 to the present. We also have …


Is data science a necessary part of research or a project you are doing? The library now has Stata, which is a software for statistics and data. With Stata, you can explore, visualize, …

American Law Reports

  Stuck on a topic and none of your Westlaw or Lexis searches seem to be helping? Want a lot of in-depth information about a topic quickly? Find an American Law Report (A.L.R.) …

Comparing State Laws

Are you looking to compare state laws on a specific topic? The library has several resources that might help you find what you’re looking for. Richard A. Leiter, National Survey of State Laws …

How to Access Tax Notes

For BYU students and faculty, Tax Notes is available, but only by setting up an individual account. To access Tax Notes, follow these instructions: Make your individual account by going to this Tax …