Proximity Searching and HeinOnline

In my legal research class today we talked some about proximity searching. Proximity searching is an important tool when conducting electronic legal research. Lexis and Westlaw have fairly intuitive proximity connectors (trespass /s …

Listen to Casebook Opinions

 The Library has recently acquired access to an exciting new product called Audio CaseFiles. Audio CaseFiles offers MP3 files of more than 1,000 cases commonly read in law school. Cases are even arranged …

Looking for PDFs?

Yesterday I made a presentation to the new Law Review editors on how to find legal resources in PDF. I will be doing a similar presentation to the Education Law Journal and the …


ConSource, created byThe Constitutional Sources Project, is a resource you'll want to know about if you're doing constitutional law research. ConSource is a free, fully-indexed online library of constitutional sources. Released to the …

Find A Source

I just returned from Portland, OR where I attended the annual conference of the American Association of Law Libraries. From the little I saw Portland seems like a great city. I wish I …


 The Law Library subscribes to several electronic resources (besides Westlaw and LexisNexis) that can be extremely helpful to you in your research. One of those resources is Indexmaster. Many legal treatises are still …

CALI Reminder

I hate being the bearer of bad news, but so be it - finals are upon us. To help alleviate some of your stress and get you more prepared I wanted to remind …

New Search Box

We're proud to announce the addition of the new Law Library Resources Search Box to our web page. This tool was designed to help you more easily access the print and electronic resources …

Google Uncle Sam

U.S. Government websites can often be very helpful when doing legal research.  One way to search government websites is through Google's U.S. Government Search - sometimes called Google Uncle Sam.    The About page explains …

The Bluebook Online

If you've ever wondered why the Bluebook isn't available online, you have one less thing to wonder about. On Feb. 15 editors of the Harvard Law Review announced the launch of an online …

Research Paper Help

Yesterday I made a presentation on several electronic resources that could be of help to those of you writing research papers this semester. I told those who attended that I would post links …

Key Numbers

 You may have noticed that Westlaw has added a new "Key Numbers" link at the top of its research screens. For now it's yellow, so you can't miss it. This new link gives …

Utah Courts Online

When discussing electronic legal research, it's difficult not to focus on Westlaw and LexisNexis. They are, after all, the 800 lb. gorillas of the topic. And while access to these systems is free …

CALI Training

On Thursday, Nov. 8th the library will be providing a training on CALI. Come to rooms 275/76 in the library at 11am to find out how CALI can help you prepare for finals.