How To Do a Preemption Check

What’s a preemption check? A preemption check is a careful background check of your topic to see if anyone else has used your thesis or argument in a paper before. You don’t want …

Chat With Us!

As the holidays and finals are approaching, and you may be traveling home, remember that you can always chat with a law librarian! We strive to offer our chat services 9am to 5pm …

Researching Newspapers

Sometimes your research requires you to look at newspaper articles--sometimes newspaper articles that are more recent (even the week-of) and sometimes newspaper articles that are more historical. For example, a newspaper article from …

A Rundown on Legal Radar

You may have seen emails lately advertising the news-feed service Legal Radar. Legal Radar is being described as a “progressive web app” that is “ideal for … all legal professionals who want to …