Printing on WestlawNext

The long-awaited day of printing from WestlawNext to the standalone Westlaw printers is finally here.  In any document, you can find the print icon in the drop-down list underneath the email or download button. …

Understanding WestlawNext

By now most of you have been exposed to WestlawNext and many of you are using it frequently.  I recently wrote a short column for Student Lawyer magazine that may help you understand a …

Congressional Hearings Access

In September, Stephen Colbert made news when he testified at a Congressional Hearing about farm laborers.  While that hearing may not be something you'll need to find for a legal research project some day, there …

Historical Utah Senate Bills

State legislative history can be a beast, especially when you have to go beyond the 1990s.  Luckily, the Utah State Archives is working to make things a bit easier for Utah legislative history …


The Law Library has recently acquired access to Fastcase, a low-cost alternative to Westlaw and LexisNexis. As attorneys look to cut costs, legal research systems like Fastcase are becoming more popular. Currently 18 …

Leadership Library

Looking for a government job? Need to find contact information for a judicial clerk? Want to find BYU graduates in Congress or the judiciary? Our new subscription to the Leadership Library is just …

New Look for Lexis

If you've logged on to LexisNexis today, you've noticed it looks a bit different. A white background has been added to give it a cleaner look and a few things have been rearranged …


BYU Law students now have access to the next generation of Westlaw — WestlawNext.  When signing in to Westlaw, you should now have access to both Westlaw and WestlawNext through links at the top …

Hein’s New Look and IP

If you've been to HeinOnline this week, which I imagine you haven't since you've been studying for finals, you've probably noticed that it looks a bit different. Hein has swapped it's blue background …

CALI For Finals

Hopefully you're familiar with CALI, but if not now's a good time to get acquainted. CALI, the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, offers over 800 interactive, online tutorials in 33 legal subject areas. …

Utah Session Laws

HeinOnline has recently completed their run of Utah Session Laws, taking them back to 1851. This is a tremendous asset to Utah legal researchers, as HeinOnline's Utah session laws previously only went back …

Chicago Manual of Style Online

The Law Library has provided access to the Chicago Manual of Style Online for a number of years now.  Previously, users may have been turned away if multiple people were trying to access it at the …

Westlaw Patron Access

The BYU Law Library has recently purchased a subscription to Westlaw Patron Access, a version of Westlaw open to the public. Westlaw Patron Access is available on the middle of the three computers …

Effective Date on Westlaw

Legal researchers often ask me how to find out what a specific statutory section said on a specific date. There are a few ways to approach the problem. Westlaw's effective date tool is …