28 April 2011
Legal Research in Foreign Countries
19 April 2011
Alternatives to Westlaw/Lexis
My last post laid out Westlaw and Lexis policies for summer access for law students. There may be times during the summer where you won't qualify for student access and you may be looking for some free sources …
14 April 2011
Westlaw, Lexis Summer 2011 Access
Contrary to popular belief, Westlaw and LexisNexis are not free in law school. The Law Library pays annual subscription fees so that students can access these services. Because Westlaw and Lexis want your business, …
01 April 2011
Printing on WestlawNext
The long-awaited day of printing from WestlawNext to the standalone Westlaw printers is finally here. In any document, you can find the print icon in the drop-down list underneath the email or download button. …
31 March 2011
Understanding WestlawNext
By now most of you have been exposed to WestlawNext and many of you are using it frequently. I recently wrote a short column for Student Lawyer magazine that may help you understand a …
23 February 2011
Congressional Hearings Access
In September, Stephen Colbert made news when he testified at a Congressional Hearing about farm laborers. While that hearing may not be something you'll need to find for a legal research project some day, there …
17 February 2011
Historical Utah Senate Bills
State legislative history can be a beast, especially when you have to go beyond the 1990s. Luckily, the Utah State Archives is working to make things a bit easier for Utah legislative history …
19 January 2011
The Law Library has recently acquired access to Fastcase, a low-cost alternative to Westlaw and LexisNexis. As attorneys look to cut costs, legal research systems like Fastcase are becoming more popular. Currently 18 …
11 January 2011
Leadership Library
Looking for a government job? Need to find contact information for a judicial clerk? Want to find BYU graduates in Congress or the judiciary? Our new subscription to the Leadership Library is just …
10 January 2011
New Look for Lexis
If you've logged on to LexisNexis today, you've noticed it looks a bit different. A white background has been added to give it a cleaner look and a few things have been rearranged …
04 January 2011
BYU Law students now have access to the next generation of Westlaw — WestlawNext. When signing in to Westlaw, you should now have access to both Westlaw and WestlawNext through links at the top …
08 December 2010
Hein’s New Look and IP
If you've been to HeinOnline this week, which I imagine you haven't since you've been studying for finals, you've probably noticed that it looks a bit different. Hein has swapped it's blue background …
02 December 2010
Flash Cards and Sample Exams
The Law Library has a number of resources that can help you study for finals. One of them is our Law in a Flash, flash card sets. We currently have flash card sets …
30 November 2010
CALI For Finals
Hopefully you're familiar with CALI, but if not now's a good time to get acquainted. CALI, the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, offers over 800 interactive, online tutorials in 33 legal subject areas. …
08 November 2010
Utah Session Laws
HeinOnline has recently completed their run of Utah Session Laws, taking them back to 1851. This is a tremendous asset to Utah legal researchers, as HeinOnline's Utah session laws previously only went back …
05 November 2010
Chicago Manual of Style Online
The Law Library has provided access to the Chicago Manual of Style Online for a number of years now. Previously, users may have been turned away if multiple people were trying to access it at the …
01 November 2010
Westlaw Patron Access
The BYU Law Library has recently purchased a subscription to Westlaw Patron Access, a version of Westlaw open to the public. Westlaw Patron Access is available on the middle of the three computers …
27 October 2010