State Session Laws

The Utah Legislature is currently in session.  Bills are being introduced, discussed, debated, amended, and some will ultimately be passed, signed by the Governor and become law.  Once they become law they will …

American Indian Law Resources

With one of its professors, Larry EchoHawk, serving in the Obama administration as Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, BYU Law School has a unique connection to American Indian Law.  To support research and …


If there's one thing you do a lot in law school it's read.  We've had one week of school and you've probably read (or at least have been assigned to read) several hundred …

Pentagon Papers

Recently my wife and I watched  "The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers."  It was an interesting documentary about Ellsberg and his path from a Pentagon insider to …

Lexis Advance Beta Info

All BYU law students and faculty should now have access to Lexis Advance Beta.  I blogged about Lexis Advance near the start of school, but now that you have your hands on it …


One of the most important things about legal research is taking notes and staying organized.  It really doesn't matter how you do it, the important thing is that you get it done.  Legal …

Free Federal Rules eBooks

CALI and the Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell Law School have recently announced that they are making the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, and Evidence freely available as ebooks.  The …

1L Westlaw and Lexis Trainings

It's nice to have everyone back after our lack-of-power induced holiday on Friday and Labor day yesterday.  We hope you're getting back to normal.  This week the library is hosting 1L training on …

Lexis Advance

A new semester is about to begin, so it's time to take a look at changes in legal research.  The biggest change is the new version of LexisNexis that our students and faculty …

CALI Upgrades

Any of you who have run CALI lessons have learned that they can be quite useful for         learning or reviewing subjects for your classes.  The Law Library's subscription to CALI …

Debt Ceiling Bill and GPO

After all the discussion and debate, a debt ceiling deal was finally reached earlier this week.  The bill passed into law is known as the Budget Control Act of 2011.  It's useful to note …