Lincoln at Gettysburg

As you're no doubt aware, it's the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.  As a librarian I feel obligated to give you a book recommendation to help you celebrate.  Lincoln at Gettysburg is …

Help Improve the Bluebook

A favorite past time at law school is complaining about the Bluebook--the legal community's most well-known citation system.  Well, it's time to put that complaining to good use and offer some suggestions to …

Establishment Clause Incorporation

Professor Fred Gedicks' latest article, Incorporation of the Establishment Clause Against the States: A Logical, Textual, and Historical Account, was recently published in the Indiana Law Journal.  For more of Professor Gedicks' articles, take …

Preston on Infancy Doctrine

Professor Cheryl Preston and co-author Brandon Crowther have posted their latest article, Minor Restrictions: Adolescence Across Legal Disciplines, the Infancy Doctrine, and the Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, on SSRN.  The …