23 January 2014
Journal of Public Law Archive
19 November 2013
Lincoln at Gettysburg
As you're no doubt aware, it's the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. As a librarian I feel obligated to give you a book recommendation to help you celebrate. Lincoln at Gettysburg is …
24 October 2013
Judge Elrod’s Visit
The Law School was fortunate to hear today from the Honorable Jennifer W. Elrod of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Her lecture was titled "State Courts: The Immediate …
23 October 2013
Law Reviews: Criticism and Defense
We've been talking about law reviews in our legal research class recently, so I was interested to see Adam Liptak's New York Times column criticizing law reviews show up this week. It didn't …
16 October 2013
Help Improve the Bluebook
A favorite past time at law school is complaining about the Bluebook--the legal community's most well-known citation system. Well, it's time to put that complaining to good use and offer some suggestions to …
24 September 2013
BYU Law Review Archive
The Brigham Young University Law Review and the Howard W. Hunter Law Library have recently partnered to provide full-text access to all issues of the Law Review back to its inception in 1975. …
17 September 2013
Constitution Day in the Library
Happy Constitution Day! Constitution Day often takes on a different meaning for those that begin studying the law on a regular basis. As might be expected, scholars are writing about the Constitution on …
09 August 2013
Establishment Clause Incorporation
Professor Fred Gedicks' latest article, Incorporation of the Establishment Clause Against the States: A Logical, Textual, and Historical Account, was recently published in the Indiana Law Journal. For more of Professor Gedicks' articles, take …
23 May 2013
BYU Law Faculty Scholarship
A number of BYU Law faculty have posted new articles to SSRN in the last few months. It's been a busy spring, so I haven't gotten around to writing about them yet. Here's …
06 May 2013
The Importance of Legal Research
Finals are over. The Write-on is done. Now it's time for summer jobs and externships to begin. Summertime is often where students realize how important legal research is to the practice of law. …
22 April 2013
Summer Research Success
One week of finals down, a few more days to go. Good luck to everyone studying hard! Don't forget that the Law Library has a number of great resources and services to help …
18 March 2013
Law and Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Professor Gordon Smith has recently added his newest paper, Law and Entrepreneurial Opportunities, to SSRN. This article was co-authored with Darian Ibrahim from the University of Wisconsin Law School and will appear in …
21 February 2013
Baradaran on Int’l Law Compliance
Professor Shima Baradaran has recently posted her newest article, Does International Law Matter?, to SSRN. The article, which is co-authored by Michael Findley, Daniel Nielson, and J.C. Sharman, will be published in the …
19 February 2013
Law Journal Rankings
The Washington & Lee Law Library has recently updated its Law Journal Rankings to include data from 2012. The rankings take into account citations to journals during the last eight years, with the …
11 February 2013
Litigation Practice Materials
When you think about legal research, it's likely things like cases, statutes, and regulations come to mind. That's good because that's what we focus on in a basic legal research course in law …
05 February 2013
Nielson on Death of Law Clerk Hiring Plan
Professor Aaron Nielson, our newest professor, has recently published an op-ed in the National Law Journal discussing the D.C. Circuit's recent announcement that they will no longer follow the Federal Judges Law Clerk …
17 January 2013
Preston on Infancy Doctrine
Professor Cheryl Preston and co-author Brandon Crowther have posted their latest article, Minor Restrictions: Adolescence Across Legal Disciplines, the Infancy Doctrine, and the Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, on SSRN. The …
08 January 2013