13 April 2015
Finals Help
27 February 2015
BYU Law #38 in Alums to Partners
BYU Law School was recently ranked #38 in the National Law Journal's ranking of associates promoted to partner in 2014 (BYU Law School affiliation required for this link). These rankings were part of …
14 January 2015
Westlaw Password Change
Over the next few weeks, Westlaw is requiring all of its academic account users to change their Westlaw passwords. As of now, Westlaw does not have a specific date for our school, but when the …
16 December 2014
Y Mountain and the Law
A bill that allows the sale of land near the Y to BYU passed Congress recently and is now headed to the President's desk. Congress Passes Bill that Allows BYU to Purchase Y …
01 December 2014
Finals Time
Believe it or not, December is here. That means finals are right around the corner. We do our best to help our students out during finals time. Here are some resources and services …
25 November 2014
American Law Institute Library
The Restatement of Torts was a prominent part of one of the oral arguments when the Utah Supreme Court visited the Law School a few weeks ago. Restatements are influential secondary sources that …
13 November 2014
HeinOnline Alumni Access
Earlier this year the BYU Law Library entered into an agreement to provide BYU Law Alums with access to HeinOnline's law journal database. This database contains PDF versions of over 1,900 law reviews …
10 November 2014
Rex Lee and Oyez
Attendees of the Rex E. Lee Moot Court Competition Finals were encouraged to listen to the Supreme Court oral arguments of great Supreme Court advocates like Rex Lee, Paul Clement, and Seth Waxman …
06 November 2014
The Law School is lucky to have had the Utah Supreme Court with us this morning to hear arguments in two cases. In the first case one of the attorneys referenced XChange and …
05 November 2014
World Treaty Library
The Law Library is pleased to announce the latest addition to our electronic collection, HeinOnline's World Treaty Library. This new library allows users to search across all the major treaties in the world …
29 October 2014
New York Times Access
Earlier this year the Law Library entered into an agreement with the New York Times to provide its faculty, staff, and students with access to the New York Times website and smartphone app. …
22 September 2014
Key Numbers in WestlawNext
When WestlawNext originally launched a number of years ago, I found it interesting that Topics and Key Numbers were less visible than they had been in Westlaw Classic. It's not that Topics and …
17 September 2014
Happy Constitution Day!
September 17 is Constitution Day, a day we celebrate the signing of the Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787 in Philadelphia. As a researcher, I'm drawn to thinking about the history and the sources …
10 September 2014
Legal Info. Overload
Researchers deal with a consistent problem these days - legal information overload. The sheer amount of legal information can be overwhelming, especially for new researchers. While the abundance of legal information isn't going …
27 August 2014
New Classrooms
As many of you know, the library's room 275/76 was one of several areas under construction this summer. Room 275/76 was originally the library's computer lab, but as laptops become common the space …
19 August 2014
Welcome, Class of 2017!
The Law Library is happy to welcome the class of 2017 to the law school! We're excited that you're here with us and want you to know that we're here to help you …
18 August 2014
New Library Website
Today we're happy to announce the launch of our new website! A lot of hard work has gone into the new design, especially by our webmaster Laurie Urquiaga. Please test it out and …
14 August 2014