14 January 2009
HeinOnline cont inues to add important legal resources in pdf format. The Law Library's HeinOnline subscription now provides access to the complete run of the United States Code. This will be welcome news …
03 December 2008
In my legal research class today we talked some about proximity searching. Proximity searching is an important tool when conducting electronic legal research. Lexis and Westlaw have fairly intuitive proximity connectors (trespass /s …
09 September 2008
Are you writing a paper where you need to find out what the law is in multiple states on a specific subject? Sounds daunting, but don't worry - someone has done most of …
25 August 2008
You may not have thought much about the Law Library while you've been away for the summer, but we've been thinking about you. Hopefully you've kept up to date by following our blog, …
07 August 2008
HeinOnline is a resource we love here in the library for many reasons. Most of you are probably familiar with its amazing law review collection, but HeinOnline's content has expanded to much more …
02 July 2008
Each year in conjunction with BYU Homecoming, the Brigham Young University Student Alumni Association sponsors the George H. Brimhall Memorial Essay Contest to honor a significant person in BYU history. This year, Rex …
14 May 2008
In an effort to give you access to BYU Law Library resources at all times from your computer, we are pleased to present current students and faculty with the new Law Library Toolbar …
08 February 2008
Yesterday I made a presentation on several electronic resources that could be of help to those of you writing research papers this semester. I told those who attended that I would post links …
17 August 2007
The Law Library has recently acquired access to several important Congressional resources online. These resources are especially valuable to anyone involved in federal legislative history research. With this recent addition the following documents …