One of the questions we often get from students is whether they can access resources…
When you aren’t thinking about finals, you are probably asking yourself: can I use my research accounts this summer?
The answer is:
Lexis, Bloomberg & Casetext: You can use them whenever, wherever.
Westlaw: No commercial use allowed. Externships and non-profit work are OK as long as costs are not passed along to a client. If you are in a paid position, you can use Westlaw to read up on a topic for understanding/learning purposes. Hours are restricted to 180, but you do not have to do anything to have access (no registration required).
If you need research help, you can always email or call (801-422-6658) the Law Library Reference Desk.
But what if I’m graduating?
Lexis: 3Ls have access to Lexis Advance through December 31, 2019! No limitations. But redeem your rewards points by June 30, 2019. On July 5, when you login you will see the Graduate Homepage instead of the Law School Homepage, where you can choose a “graduation gift”: one of 13 eBooks, Law360, Lexis Practice Advisor, or Lexis for Microsoft Office. If you will be working for a 501(c)(3) non-profit, you can apply for a free account for 12 months. Here is the flyer for more information.
Bloomberg: 3Ls have access to Bloomberg for six months after graduation.