If you ever have a minute to spare (I know that's unlikely, but just in…
The United States Supreme Court is opening its doors to the public for the first time since March 2020 (for oral arguments only), but in a win for transparency, the Court has announced that it will continue its pandemic policy of live streaming oral arguments on its website, https://www.supremecourt.gov. Listening to oral arguments gives great insight into the justices’ thought processes and lessons on how to be an effective advocate. The Supreme Court plays a critical role in the development of law, and Supreme Court decisions are more important than ever. Honestly, live oral arguments are more exciting than live sports! Let’s hope this policy continues indefinitely.
Oral arguments are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, thought arguments are not scheduled for every week during the Court’s term. Full calendars are available on the Court’s website. View the Court’s oral arguments calendars. Links to the day’s arguments being live streamed are found on the Court’s home page, https://www.supremecourt.gov/. Clicking on the question mark next to the case brings up the questions presented. Clicking on the list icon displays the full docket of the case where briefing can be found. Briefs can also be located by clicking on “Case Documents” in the menu bar, then “Docket Search.” Transcripts and recordings are posted later the same day of the arguments.