With one of its professors, Larry EchoHawk, serving in the Obama administration as Assistant Secretary…
Water law is a big deal here in the Western United States, and HeinOnline just released a new tool for researching it. Editors at Hein have pulled together primary and secondary sources from HeinOnline’s extensive collection of digitized legal documents and tagged them by subject to make research easier. The new collection is called Water Rights & Resources and can be found on HeinOnline’s home page.
Resources in the collection include:
- Legislation
- Legislative History
- Supreme Court Briefs
- Scholarly Articles
- Regulations
- Reports
What makes this collection so useful is the application of one or more subject headings to each document in the collection. Researchers can click on “Scholarly Articles,” for example, then click “Browse By: Subject,” and then select a subject to view only the articles that have been tagged with that topic. Here is a brief sampling of subjects in the collection:
- Dams and Hydropower
- Drought and Water Scarcity
- Irrigation
- Oceans and Estuaries
- River Basins
- Water Rights and Claims
There are 22 subjects in total. To view all documents contained under a subject heading, select “All Titles,” then “Browse By: Subject,” then the subject.
This tool is a time saver for anyone researching water law. Check out Hein’s LibGuide on this database for more information on content and search tips. Click here to access the LibGuide.