07 May 2013
Construction Update
02 April 2013
Inns of Court Info. Meeting
Justice Thomas R. Lee of the Utah Supreme Court will be at the law school on Thursday, April 4 at noon in room 306 to talk about the American Inns of Court and …
14 March 2013
Judge Matheson’s Visit
BYU Law was pleased to host Judge Scott Matheson, Jr. of the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit yesterday as its Jurist in Residence. His noon address gave us some …
27 February 2013
Inns of Court
As law students there are always more things clamoring for your time than you can possibly do. If you're looking for something worthwhile, you may want to consider applying to become part of …
05 February 2013
Nielson on Death of Law Clerk Hiring Plan
Professor Aaron Nielson, our newest professor, has recently published an op-ed in the National Law Journal discussing the D.C. Circuit's recent announcement that they will no longer follow the Federal Judges Law Clerk …
11 December 2012
SL Trib Cites Baradaran Study
Professor Shima Baradaran's study, Predicting Violence, was recently cited in a Salt Lake Tribune article about Utah's pretrial jail release program. Predicting Violence was published in the Texas Law Review earlier this year.
03 October 2012
Goldsmith Article Published Posthumously
BYU Law Professor Michael Goldsmith always taught his students to be "can do" lawyers. He certainly was one himself. Even when he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease, Goldsmith worked relentlessly to raise …
27 August 2012
BYU Law and Fall Devotionals
BYU's Fall Devotional and Forum schedule has some BYU Law flavor to it. You may want to get these dates down on your calendar. Sept. 11 - Elder Steven E. Snow Sept. 18 …
24 August 2012
BYU Law’s Founding Documents
Elder Dallin H. Oaks was the featured speaker at BYU Law's Annual Founder's Day Dinner last night in Salt Lake. Elder Oaks was the President of BYU when the Law School began and …
21 August 2012
Wise, Hamberlin Honored
Congratulations to Professor Jane Wise and Law School Registrar Nancy Hamberlin who were honored this morning at the 2012 Annual University Conference. Professor Wise received the Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award, which "recognizes the …
30 July 2012
Inns of Court
In an article in the most recent issue of the Utah Bar Journal, Utah attorney Isaac Paxman details the history of the American Inns of Court. Much of the history is based on …
25 July 2012
Prof. Fleming Paper
Professor Cliff Fleming has recently submitted his newest paper, A Note on the Zimmer Case and the Concept of Permanent Establishment, to SSRN. This paper was published in Tax Treaty Case Law Around …
05 April 2012
BYU Law Awards
Last Friday the Law School held its annual Awards Banquet and Barristers Ball. The event is always a wonderful evening where we can celebrate the achievements of our law school community. We want …
04 April 2012
Senator Lee on SCOTUS Clerks
Utah Senator Mike Lee (a BYU Law graduate) recently released a video describing the work done by law clerks at the Supreme Court, focusing on his experience as a clerk to Justice Alito. …
28 March 2012
BYU Law Ranked #2
BYU Law ranks number 2 in the U.S. News and World Report's list of 10 Most Popular Law Schools. This ranking looks at law school yield or the school's percentage of accepted students …
28 March 2012
Law School Recital
You may have wondered if the grand piano in the library ever gets played. Not often, but tonight it does. Each year the law school holds a recital in the library where we …
23 March 2012
BYU Law on Least Debt List
The U.S. News and World Report has released a list of 10 Law Schools that Lead to the Least Debt and BYU Law is a member of the club. The article accompanying the …
19 March 2012