17 September 2008
Constitution Day 2008
08 September 2008
Importance of Legal Research
UNLV Law Librarian Jennifer Gross recently passed along an interesting story about the importance of legal research. This Nevada Supreme Court case is a good reminder that you can't always rely on seemingly …
03 July 2008
July 4th
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day and remind you that the Law Library will be closed tomorrow, July 4, 2008. If you're here in Provo I recommend taking part in …
23 May 2008
Memorial Day
In honor of Memorial Day the Law Library will be closed on Monday, May 26, 2008. The White House Commission on Remembrance has organized a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local …
09 May 2008
Library Love
Since many of our students were undergraduates at BYU I thought I'd pass along this blog post by a graduating BYU student describing her relationship with the Harold B. Lee Library. Source: Harold …
30 April 2008
Oral Argument No-No
Not the best idea to follow this example in moot court or at your job. Source: Legal Profession Blog
08 April 2008
The Billable Hour
Recently the Wall Street Journal Law Blog blogged about the billable hour and the California State Bar President's call for reform in billing practices. (here) I thought you might find it interesting.
14 March 2008
Rex E. Lee Run
Tomorrow (Mar. 15) BYU will host the Annual Rex E. Lee Run. The race helps raise money for cancer research and honors our beloved inaugural dean, Rex Lee, who died of cancer in …
25 February 2008
The Frugal Law Student
While BYU Law School is one of the best bargains around, let's face it -- you still have student debt. Now you also have a kindred spirit to feel your pain and give …
15 February 2008
Last Living U.S. WWI Vet
American history has always fascinated me. So, while this doesn't deal directly with law I thought I'd share it anyway. The Library of Congress Blog has reported that with the death of Harry …
12 February 2008
Abraham Lincoln
Today, February 12, 2008, marks the 199th anniversary of Lincoln's birth. Next year we will celebrate the Bicentennial of his birth and events are already being planned across the country. To remember President …
16 October 2007
Passing of Sister Hunter
Sister Inis Egan Hunter, wife of President Howard W. Hunter passed away on Sunday at age 93. Read the Deseret Morning News article here. The Hunter family holds a special place with us …
01 October 2007
New Supreme Court Term
Today kicks off the 2007-08 term of the United States Supreme Court. Here are some blog entries to get you ready: "The First Monday in October" - Wall Street Journal Law Blog "2007-2008 …
17 September 2007