Today, Sept. 17, is Constitution Day - a great day to reread the Constitution. Additionally,…
Today, September 17th, is Constitution Day — an important day for all U.S. citizens, especially lawyers or lawyers-in-training. Check out some of these links to celebrate your Constitution Day:
Constitution of the United States — National Archives
Creating the United States Constitution — Library of Congress
Constitution Day Resources — Library of Congress
Interactive Constitution — National Constitution Center
The Constitutional Sources Project (I’ve blogged about this before)
Our Divine Constitution — President Ezra Taft Benson
The Divinely Inspired Constitution — Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Hat tips to Law Librarian Blog and the Library of Congress Blog
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that Professors Fred Gedicks and null will be participating in a special Constitution Day debate tonight at 7pm in 1102 Jesse Knight Building. (more details here)