New York Times Access

Earlier this year the Law Library entered into an agreement with the New York Times to provide its faculty, staff, and students with access to the New York Times website and smartphone app.  …

Lexis Advance Revision

Lexis is currently working on an update to Lexis Advance that will bring some big changes to how the interface looks and add some nice improvements.  Unfortunately, the new release won't be available …

New CALI Website

CALI ("The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction") has recently released a revamped version of its website (along with a whole new color scheme).  CALI still offers its great interactive tutorials that are excellent …

Hein Search Tip Update

When customers speak, Hein listens and acts--quickly.  I recently received an email from HeinOnline's Vice President of Production Development, Shane Marmion, addressing some of the concerns I raised in a recent blog post …

Hein Search Tip

I love HeinOnline.  It's a must-have for all academic legal research.  With that said, there are still a few minor things I've learned to work around to make my research experience better.  One …

Tax Research

Researching tax law can be tough.  We're lucky enough here to have a law librarian, Dennis Sears, who is a tax research expert.  To help tax law researchers, Prof. Sears has created and …

Armed Conflicts Database

The Law Library has recently subscribed to the International Institute for Strategic Studies' Armed Conflicts Database.  This database monitors current conflicts worldwide, "focusing on political, military and humanitarian trends in current conflicts, whether …

End of Westlaw Classic

Westlaw recently announced that they will be retiring Westlaw Classic for law school accounts on July 1, 2014.  WestlawNext will then be the only Westlaw platform available to the law school community.  This …