Here are a few construction pictures from last week.
The second-floor Law Library Reserve Room will be closing soon for construction. We are moving most study aids and bar review materials to the course reserve area behind the circulation desk, where they can be checked out for two hours.
Most other Reserve Room materials will not be immediately accessible, but they usually can be paged with 24-hour notice. If you need any assistance with accessing materials, please contact the Circulation Desk, the Reference Desk, or a librarian. We will do our best to help you access them.
We appreciate your patience with the inconvenience caused by the construction. The timing is not optimal, and we appreciate your willingness to accommodate changes as the situation has been very fluid.
The Quiet Study Room will reopen for student use soon, so stay tuned for that. Unfortunately, it will not be as quiet as it used to be due to the construction. However, the noise will be reduced significantly, if not eliminated completely, for finals.
Construction teams continue to remove the ceilings, replace duct work to improve energy efficiency in the building, update emergency sprinkler systems, update the lighting, and replace the carpet.