26 September 2012
Environmental Law Reporter
17 September 2012
Happy Constitution Day!
Today is Constitution Day--a day in which we celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution by members of the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787. If you were near Mount Vernon you could …
17 August 2012
The Bluebook App
The Bluebook, whether you love it or hate it, is something you'll become quite familiar with in law school. Now there's a new option for purchasing and using The Bluebook - an app …
06 August 2012
Subject Guides
The Law Library provides a lot of information, both print and electronic. At times the amount of information can be overwhelming and it may be difficult to know where to start. One of …
21 June 2012
Executive Privilege and CRS Reports
Executive privilege has been in the news lately as President Obama has asserted it for the first time in his presidency. The Wall Street Journal recently published a list of executive privilege assertions over …
19 June 2012
Google Books to Library Books
Searching Google Books can often be an important part of research as it allows researchers to search the full-text of many books. However, researchers can only view portions of books that are still …
07 June 2012
Google Scholar Legal Documents
Earlier this week I retweeted a blog post on Internet for Lawyers detailing a change to Google Scholar and how it affects case law searching. I've had a chance to look at the …
04 June 2012
Where to Start Researching?
One of the common questions you'll face when receiving a new legal research assignment is "Where should I start?" There's a number of places that work as a good starting place, but one …
10 May 2012
The Citator Gap
Using Shepard's or KeyCite to make sure the cases you rely upon are good law is an essential part of the research process. These citators, however, aren't perfect and I was reminded of …
03 May 2012
Court Pleadings on Bloomberg Law
As you research this summer, one of the things you may need to do is find trial court pleadings - a complaint, an answer, a motion. Attorneys often like to look for a …
01 May 2012
Researching Municipal Law
One area of law that we generally don't have much time to cover in our first year legal research classes is local legislation. Municipal ordinances govern much of what we do on an …
25 April 2012
Chicago Manual of Style Online
It's write-on week here at the law school and I've seen many students diligently working away. Those of you participating in the write-on may be interested to know that the library has a …
20 April 2012
Research Help This Summer
While law students will be heading out to summer jobs and externships soon the library wants you to know that we'll be here over the summer if you need us. The library has …
19 April 2012
Summer Research Success
Finals are nearly over. Graduation is here. Congratulations on completing another year of law school! In a few weeks law students will head out to various jobs and externships to put their legal …
18 April 2012
Becoming a Better Online Researcher
Online legal research is a critical skill in today's law practice. The nature of legal controversies requires legal researchers to go beyond simple searches and employ a more thorough and thoughtful research process. …
16 April 2012
Summer Alternatives to Westlaw/Lexis
On Friday I posted about Westlaw/Lexis's summer access policies. While some of you may not qualify for Westlaw/Lexis access this summer - stay calm! - there are other options available that are free …
13 April 2012
Westlaw/Lexis Summer Access
Many of you have asked about access to Westlaw and Lexis over the summer. Each company's rules regarding use of your student account this summer are provided below. Generally speaking, your student IDs …
21 March 2012