05 March 2014
Lexis Advance Enhancements
13 February 2014
Westlaw or Lexis?
One of the questions students frequently ask me is whether they should use Westlaw or Lexis. My answer is the always frustrating "both." Why? The fact is that you simply don't have much …
10 February 2014
Citations to Old Cases
Last week I blogged about the HeinOnline/Fastcase partnership. One of the things I've noticed as I've been looking at the cases provided by Fastcase in HeinOnline is that Hein's ScholarCheck (its version of …
14 January 2014
vLex for Foreign Law
Each year a number of our students do research on the laws of foreign countries. Finding these laws can be challenging, especially if you don't speak the language. To help, we're always looking …
07 January 2014
Paper Topics
Welcome back! It's a new year and a fresh start. I had a question at the reference desk yesterday about where to look for topics for research papers. This is a great question …
17 October 2013
Legal Research From The Bar
We talk a lot about Westlaw and Lexis in our legal research classes, but there are a number of other low-cost/free legal research resources that law students and attorneys should be aware of. …
25 September 2013
Encyclopedia of Public International Law
If you're interested in learning more about public international law, the library's subscription to the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law is a great place to start. With over 1600 peer-reviewed articles …
17 September 2013
Constitution Day in the Library
Happy Constitution Day! Constitution Day often takes on a different meaning for those that begin studying the law on a regular basis. As might be expected, scholars are writing about the Constitution on …
16 September 2013
Annotations in WestlawNext
In our first year legal research class, we've recently discussed statutory research. An annotated code is an extremely useful tool when doing statutory research because it provides references to cases and secondary sources …
05 September 2013
Immigration Law & Policy
Immigration law and policy is always a hot topic in the U.S. In order to provide additional resources for research in the area of immigration law and policy, the law library has recently …
29 August 2013
Audio Cases
Law students and lawyers read a lot. First years are experiencing that fact for the first time this week. We hope it's going well. While reading in law school isn't going to go …
14 August 2013
Foreign & Comparative Law Collection
The Law Library has recently subscribed to the Parker School of Foreign & Comparative Law Collection on HeinOnline. This collection features a number of works on foreign and comparative law, including American-German Private …
08 August 2013
Opposition to Working Late
A few weeks ago I was doing some legislative history research in the 1868 Congressional Globe - the precursor to today's Congressional Record - and ran across this little exchange, which I found …
06 June 2013
Federal Register 2.0
A few weeks ago I wrote about one of my favorite government websites - regulations.gov. Another one of my favorites also has to do with regulations - federalregister.gov. This government website contains an …
21 May 2013
Finding Treatises on Lexis Advance
As students head out to work this summer we see fewer and fewer around the library. But, that doesn't mean we're not busy helping with research. In fact, as students start getting research …
24 April 2013
Research Help This Summer
Jumping into a research project for a new employer can be nerve-wracking. You want to do things right and get the summer off on a good foot. Well, even though you'll be gone, …
23 April 2013
Researching Foreign Law
Every year a number of our students head out to do externships in foreign countries. This is a great opportunity to learn about a different legal system and to get the chance to …
22 April 2013