Lexis.com Passwords Deactivated

Since Lexis Advance debuted, Lexis users have had separate passwords for Lexis.com and Lexis Advance--which has been a pain.  In order to move to a one-password system, Lexis deactivated all Lexis.com passwords last …

Westlaw China

The Law Library has recently subscribed to Westlaw China, Westlaw's online legal database of Chinese law.  Westlaw China contains comprehensive laws, regulations, and cases, as well as selected model contracts and legal journals.  …

Westlaw Printers

As we announced earlier this school year, Westlaw will be removing its printers this summer.  We're still figuring out an exact date, but it will be around June 30.  We wanted to give …

Google Scholar Legal Docs

Since it came out a few years back, Google Scholar Legal Documents has been a welcome addition to legal research (especially as a free resource).  One attorney who was in the library the …

U.S. Statistics

If you're looking for statistics from the United States the Statistical Abstract has always been a great place to go.  Since 1878 the Statistical Abstract was published annually by the government and contained …

Job Search Help

The Law Library provides its students with a number of resources to help with your job search.  Many of these resources are legal directories that provide contact information for legal employers, particularly courts …