SL Trib Cites Baradaran Study

Professor Shima Baradaran's study, Predicting Violence, was recently cited in a Salt Lake Tribune article about Utah's pretrial jail release program.  Predicting Violence was published in the Texas Law Review earlier this year.

ABA Blawg 100

Each year the ABA Journal selects 100 of the best law blogs - aka blawgs - in its Blawg 100.  The Blawg 100 is a great place to go to check out some …

Jensen on Cyber Attacks

Professor Eric Jensen has recently posted his newest paper, Cyber Attacks: Proportionality and Precautions in Attack, to SSRN.  It will be published in the U.S. Naval War College's International Law Studies Series.

Preston on Adhesion Contracts

Professor Cheryl Preston and co-author Eli McCann have recently posted their newest article, Lewellyn Slept Here: A Short History of Sticky Contracts and Feudalism, to SSRN.  The article has been accepted for publication …

Gedicks Papers

Professor Fred Gedicks has recently posted two of his newest papers to SSRN.  The first, Ironies of Hosanna-Tabor, will be published in the Mercer Law Review and analyzes the recent Supreme Court case …

Disaggregating Disasters

Professors Lisa Grow Sun and RonNell Andersen Jones have recently posted their newest article, Disaggregating Disasters, to SSRN.  Their article has been accepted for publication in the UCLA Law Review.  More articles from …

October’s First Monday

Until I came to law school I never realized that the first Monday in October was any different than other Mondays--October or otherwise.  But, I quickly learned that the first Monday in October …

BYU Law’s Founding Documents

Elder Dallin H. Oaks was the featured speaker at BYU Law's Annual Founder's Day Dinner last night in Salt Lake.  Elder Oaks was the President of BYU when the Law School began and …

Prof. Fleming Paper

Professor Cliff Fleming has recently submitted his newest paper, A Note on the Zimmer Case and the Concept of Permanent Establishment, to SSRN.  This paper was published in Tax Treaty Case Law Around …

Lexis Advance

By now most of our students should be aware of Lexis Advance, Lexis's newest iteration and competitor to WestlawNext.  In an attempt to get students to be more familiar with Lexis Advance, Lexis …

Race, Prediction & Discretion

Professor Shima Baradaran has recently posted her newest article, Race, Prediction & Discretion to SSRN.  This article will be published in the George Washington Law Review.  For more of Professor Baradaran's articles see …

Govt Info for the Public for 4 Decades

Today, May 4, 2012, marks the Hunter Law Library’s fortieth anniversary as an official federal depository library. To mark the occasion, a small display is on the second floor near the reference desk. The …