Finals Help

The 1Ls are putting the final touches on their memos and Thanksgiving is around the corner.  That, of course, means it's time to start thinking about finals.  Here in the library we feel …

13 Rules for Law Exams

Today I ran across a humorous look at final exams from a law professor.  It's a bit dated--1971--but most of the rules (or anti-rules) still hold true (except the rule about writing illegibly--although …

Hein’s New Look and IP

If you've been to HeinOnline this week, which I imagine you haven't since you've been studying for finals, you've probably noticed that it looks a bit different. Hein has swapped it's blue background …

CALI For Finals

Hopefully you're familiar with CALI, but if not now's a good time to get acquainted. CALI, the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, offers over 800 interactive, online tutorials in 33 legal subject areas. …

Library Open Later

We know finals can be a stressful time for law students so we do our best to help where we can. Starting this week the Law Library will be on extended hours during …

Flash Cards

Finals are upon us and the law library is doing everything we can to make it a tolerable experience. As of last Monday we are now open until 1am. The extended hours schedule …

New Semester Resources

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great break and recharged their batteries for the new semester. I thought I'd start off the year by plugging a few of our resources that many …

CDs – Finals Prep

In addition to print study aids, the law library also has a collection of CDs and audio tapes that may help you brush up before finals. Searching the library catalog for "sound recording" …

CALI – Finals Prep

The return of November means one thing in law school - finals are near. As scary as that may sound, there is still plenty of time to get ready. During the next few …

Help With Finals

Winter semester always seems to fly by. Unfortunately, that means finals are around the corner. In the spirit of one of my favorite movies, "Field of Dreams," the Law Library hopes we can …