I hate to say it, but November means that finals are just around the corner.…
The Law Library has a number of print study aids that can be quite useful to you as you study for finals. Many of these books provide outlines, explanations, and sample essay and multiple choice questions that can help you get ready. Recently we have moved a number of these upstairs into the 3d floor collection to give you better access to them. The most current study aids remain in the Reserve Library. Here is a list of some of some of the popular study aid series titles we own. Clicking on the title will show you what we have.
Once you’ve clicked any of the above links, you can limit by topic by typing in your subject in the keyword search box at the bottom of the screen. Simply type it in after the name of the series which will already appear in the box, like this:
Study aids that the catalog says are in the “Hunter Law Library Study Guides” location are found in the Reserve Library.