Say hello to the Reference Assistant Team for the Winter 2024 Semester! These great law students are happy to help you with any of your reference questions! They are hired and overseen by Professor Annalee Hickman Pierson, and they work along side the full-time law library faculty members who offer reference help. Please meet:
Margaret Jarvis (3L): Margaret Jarvis (3L): lover of all things Dungeons and Dragons, Tolstoy, Austen, and camping; favorite research tip is that every state has an index for its statues, which is often easier to use on Westlaw than a full-text search.
Emma Hackett (3L): loves summertime & hot weather (so good thing she grew up in Arizona!); favorite research tip is to use the law library’s research guides.
Kenna Mathews (3L): loves collecting cookbooks from each of the places she visits and is running out of room on her bookshelf; favorite research tool she’s learned about is JurisM, the Zotero tool for the legal profession that automates (in part) bluebook citations!
Brandon Orullian (3L): loves cheesecake shakes from Arctic Circle; favorite research tool is using HeinOnline to find historical statutes from before the United States was born.
Henry Wright (2L): sewed his own pair of bell-bottom pants; favorite research tip is that the law library has all past Utah statutes and code in physical form, much of which is not available online—perfect for Utah legislative history!
Kirra Pulsipher (2L): can’t wait for the next Dune movie to come out and loves eating citrus fruits; favorite research tip is using Bloomberg Law’s practical guidance manuals.
Need help finding a book? Formatting a Bluebook citation? Finding a court document? They can help! And best of all, they can quickly and seamlessly connect you to one of the full-time law library faculty members who can help you with in-depth research.
Come say hi to them at the Reference Desk!
Reference Desk hours are posted here.