Bar Journals

The Law Library's HeinOnline subscription now contains a collection of 55 Bar Journals that may be useful to you in your research. Like other HeinOnline content, the Bar Journal content contains scanned .pdf …

Google Scholar & the Law

The legal research blogosphere was full of discussion today about Google Scholar's addition of free legal content. Here's the announcement from the Google Blog. When you head to Google Scholar you'll notice you …

KeyCite Limits – Clear All

When using KeyCite on Westlaw you'll often find cases that have been cited many times. Roe v. Wade, for example, has nearly 20,000 citing documents. The only feasible way to deal with so …

2L Legal Research Survey

We appreciate all of the 2Ls who participated in the Legal Research Survey sent to you by your research professors. We had 84 responses. The information you provided us about the legal research …

LexisNexis Headnotes

Headnotes, found at the beginning of cases in both Westlaw and LexisNexis, are a valuable research tool. Because of their long life and their impact on legal research and the legal profession, West's …

LexisNexis Related Content

The CM Law Library blog points out that LexisNexis has just released its "Related Content" feature, which appears to be the competitor to Westlaw's "Results Plus." When you access a case in LexisNexis, …

Casemaker v. Fastcase

I've blogged before about alternatives to Lexis and Westlaw for legal research. Two alternatives, Casemaker and Fastcase, are provided as member benefits through many state and local bar associations. The Utah Bar Association …


Today a colleague and I had a lunch meeting with a group of attorneys in Salt Lake to discuss legal research. One of them kept pointing out that law students need to realize …

Westlaw Interface Update

Westlaw's main law school interface looks a little different than it used to. The heart of the change is that users can now conduct searches of multiple databases from the main research screen. …

West Article

LexLibris, the University of Minnesota Law Library blog, has directed my attention to an interesting news article on the West publishing company and Westlaw titled Westlaw Rises to Legal Publishing Fame by Selling …

Research Paper Resources

Are you writing a research paper this semester? Do you want some help? Come join me for a 30 min. presentation on Research Paper Resources. I will discuss many of the electronic resources …