Say hello to the Reference Assistant Team for the Winter 2024 Semester! These great law…
Say hello to BYU Law Library’s Reference Assistants! These great law students are happy to help you with any of your reference questions. They are hired and overseen by Professor Annalee Hickman Pierson, and they work alongside the law library faculty members who offer reference and scholarship services.

Meet our Reference Assistant Team:
Henry (3L): Enjoys hiking in the mountains and ham radio. Henry’s favorite research tip is that the law library has all past Utah statutes and code in physical form, much of which is not available online—perfect for Utah legislative history!
Payton (3L): Loves sailboats and dreams of owning his own to sail the California coast. Payton’s favorite research tip is that there treatises on most substantial areas of law–using a treatise is a great place to start your research.
Matt (2L): Enjoys skiing and all things soccer. Matt’s favorite research tip is to use the law library’s research guides. The Bluebook and Writing Academic Papers for Law School guides are especially helpful for drafting legal and academic works.
Joseph (2L): Loves canoeing and theatre. Joseph’s favorite research tip is to use the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) to check-up on the newest sources related to your research topic (including forthcoming articles that haven’t yet been published).
These friendly and knowledgeable Reference Assistants can help you find resources that you can’t locate on your own, track down court documents or even help you format a Bluebook citation. And best of all, they can quickly and seamlessly connect you to one of the BYU Law Library faculty members who can help you with in-depth research.
Get to know our intrepid Reference Assistants at the Reference Desk! Reference Desk hours are posted here.