HeinOnline is a great place to go for historical legal materials. Hein has recently added…
Research platform Cheetah is rebranding as VitalLaw starting today, November 1st. VitalLaw is a competitor of Lexis+ and Westlaw and provides access to primary law like cases and statutes alongside secondary materials like treatises, guides, and check lists. VitalLaw is going to have 40% more primary law content due to the additional of all state and federal laws and regulations. VitalLaw is also adding a dashboard to help attorneys view the changes to statues and regulations that have been passed but not yet taken effect, improving the ability advise clients. Finally, VitalLaw supposedly will help speed up attorney workflow and automate some research tasks. I don’t know how that will work, but I do like VitalLaw’s SmartCharts for comparing statutes on a topic across multiple jurisdictions. Some law firms use Cheetah prevalently so law students heading to firms should take a look at it.
VitalLaw can be access in the Law Library’s A-Z Databases List. Access VitalLaw now.
We added ebook versions of some excellent treatises we have in print in the library to Cheetah, I mean VitalLaw, recently to make access more convenient. I will feature some of those in another post soon!