Utah House Working Bills

Last year I blogged about a digitization project by the Utah State Archives involving historical Utah House of Representatives working bills. At the time the project was just getting started, but I am …

Help With Finals

Winter semester always seems to fly by. Unfortunately, that means finals are around the corner. In the spirit of one of my favorite movies, "Field of Dreams," the Law Library hopes we can …


Organizing your research can often be a complicated process - but a very important one. One tool I particularly like for organizing my research is Zotero. Zotero is a free Firefox extension that …

Don’t Forget CALI

Feeling like you're a little behind in some of your classes? (Winter semester can do that to you.) Make sure you take advantage of one of the more popular resources the Law Library …

Human Rights Documents Online

The Law Library has recently acquired access to Human Rights Documents Online, a database containing documents from 483 non-governmental human rights organizations.  These documents detail a range of human rights issues and span all regions of the …

Got Research?

Need a reminder about the importance of legal research? Look no further than this article from the ABA Journal: "Lack of Legal Research in FMLA Case Costs Company an Extra $80K." Hat tip …

UN Docs on HeinOnline

The Law Library has recently acquired access to a number of United Nations documents through HeinOnline. Some of the highlights include the complete United Nations Treaty Series, Monthly Statement of Treaties and International …

Research Paper Resources

Are you writing a research paper this semester? Do you want some help? Come join me for a 30 min. presentation on Research Paper Resources. I will discuss many of the electronic resources …

U.S. Code on HeinOnline

HeinOnline cont inues to add important legal resources in pdf format. The Law Library's HeinOnline subscription now provides access to the complete run of the United States Code. This will be welcome news …

Proximity Searching and HeinOnline

In my legal research class today we talked some about proximity searching. Proximity searching is an important tool when conducting electronic legal research. Lexis and Westlaw have fairly intuitive proximity connectors (trespass /s …