Essay Contest-Rex E. Lee

Each year in conjunction with BYU Homecoming, the Brigham Young University Student Alumni Association sponsors the George H. Brimhall Memorial Essay Contest to honor a significant person in BYU history. This year, Rex …

Dean Worthen

J. Reuben Clark Law School Dean null has recently been appointed Advancement Vice President of BYU. (see the BYU news release here) Dean null will serve as interim dean for the Law School, …

News Media Subpoenas

One of the Law School's newest professors, RonNell Andersen Jones (here's her U. of A. bio), has recently posted her article "Avalanche or Undue Alarm? An Empirical Study of Subpoenas Received by the …

New Law School Webpage

Today the Law School unveiled its revamped website. Underlying pages are still being migrated to the new look, but the process will be completed soon. (see news blurb here) You may want to …

Prof. Thomas Devotional

The Law School's own Professor David A. Thomas gave the University Devotional Address this morning in the de Jong Concert Hall. (news release here; rebroadcast schedule and, in the future, text, video, and …

Advocacy Program

The Rex E. Lee Advocacy Program was ranked 22nd in the country this year by the U.S. News and World Report. (Thanks to Legal Writing Prof Blog for the list.) The program moved …

Spring Clark Memo

The Spring 2008 Clark Memorandum is now available online. This issue is full of interesting articles taken from recent speeches including: On Being Ethical Lawyers(Sandra Day O'Connor's speech from the J. Reuben Clark …

BYU Law Alum at SCOTUS

The Legal Times and the Wall Street Journal Law Blog are reporting that BYU Law alum, Jay T. Jorgensen (Class of '97), will be arguing today before the United States Supreme Court. The …

Quality Students

The Law School was ranked 25th in Brian Leiter's Rankings of Top 40 Law Schools by Student (Numerical) Quality 2008. The most significant factor of these rankings are the average of the 75th …

Law School Awards Recipients

On March 14, 2008 the Law School held its Annual Awards Banquet and Barristers' Ball. Many of you attended and it was a very nice evening. I wanted to commend those that received …

Elder Tingey

Elder Earl C. Tingey will be this year's speaker at the Annual Law School Fireside this Sunday, March 23rd. (details here) Before he began his full- time service for the Church, Elder Tingey …

Rex E. Lee Run

Tomorrow (Mar. 15) BYU will host the Annual Rex E. Lee Run. The race helps raise money for cancer research and honors our beloved inaugural dean, Rex Lee, who died of cancer in …

Humble Lawyers

I have been asked to be the presenter/facilitator at this week's Spirit in the Law discussion. My topic will be "Humble Lawyers: Can They Exist? Do They Exist? And How to Become One." …

Entrepreneurs on Horseback

Professor Gordon Smith and his co-author Darian M. Ibrahim (Univ. of AZ Law School) have posted their article Entrepreneurs on Horseback: Reflections on the Organization of Law on SSRN. It will be published …

Prof. Tarkington on Complete Preemption

Professor Margaret Tarkington has recently deposited her paper "Rejecting the Touchstone: Complete Preemption and Congressional Intent After Beneficial National Bank v. Anderson" on SSRN (available here). Her article will soon be published in …

Awards Nominations

BYU Law School is a great place to study the law. As a student I was often impressed by my fellow classmates and my professors, as I imagine you are too. The annual …

BYU Law Ranked 17th

The National Jurist recently ranked law schools based on average starting salary and BYU Law was ranked 17th at $100,000 a year. Find the article here. Hat tip to Law Librarian Blog.

Faculty Bibliographies

The Law Library webpage gives you access to bibliographies for each of the faculty members here at the Law School. This link, "Law School Faculty Publications," has recently been moved to the Quick …