BYU, UCLA Conference

BYU Law School and the UCLA School of Law have recently announced a conference to focus on the pedagogy of interviewing and counseling. This is the second such program to be co-sponsored by …

New Gedicks Papers

Professor Fred Gedicks has recently posted two new papers to SSRN. Atmospheric Harms in Constitutional Law is forthcoming in the Maryland Law Review and Originalist Roots of Substantive Due Process: Higher-Law Constitutionalism and …

Goldsmith Coverage

Professor Michael Goldsmith was in Yankee Stadium Saturday to throw out the first pitch and to take part in the "MLB 4 ALS" campaign that he initiated. Here's some of the news coverage: …

Independence Day 2009

Due to July 4 falling on a Saturday this year, the Law Library will be closed both tomorrow (7/3) and Saturday (7/4). This Independence Day is a special one for the Law School …

Prof. Andersen Jones on Media Subpoenas

Professor RonNell Andersen Jones has recently posted her newest article on media subpoenas to SSRN. Media Subpoenas: Impact, Perception, and Legal Protection in the Changing World of American Journalism is forthcoming in the …

Jail Outreach

The Daily Universe recently ran a story on BYU Law School's jail outreach program. It's good to see our students serving during their time here.

Dean James Rasband

Academic Vice President John Tanner announced today that James R. Rasband will be the new dean of the Law School effective June 15, 2009. Read the BYU News Release here.

Obama Taps EchoHawk

President Obama announced Friday his intent to nominate Professor Larry EchoHawk as Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs in the Department of the Interior. As a student I took classes in Criminal Procedure and …

Law School Awards

Last Wednesday the Law School hosted its Annual Awards Banquet and Barristers' Ball. While I was unable to attend, I was told that it was a great evening. I have scanned the program …

Truth and Consequences

Professor Frederick Mark Gedicks has recently posted his newest working paper, Truth and Consequences: Mitt Romney, Proposition 8, and Public Reason, to SSRN. Read the abstract and download the paper here. More of …

Rex Lee Run

The Law School fondly remembers its founding dean Rex E. Lee. (Here's just one article by Richard Wilkins.) I am always amazed at the stories I hear about Rex Lee when anyone speaks …


Each year the Law School celebrates the accomplishments of students, faculty and staff at the Annual Awards Banquet and Barristers' Ball. This year's banquet will be held on March 25, 2009 and we …

Peter Stirba Oral Argument

This morning Salt Lake attorney Peter Stirba came to speak to the 1Ls about appellate advocacy. He focused on his recent occasion of arguing before the United States Supreme Court, an opporunity few …

Prof. Smith Quoted in WSJ Law Blog

The Wall Street Journal Law Blog recently quoted Professor Gordon Smith in a post about Bank of America and whether its investors have a claim arising out of BofA's purchase of Merrill Lynch.