09 June 2010
Technology and Multitasking
27 May 2010
Gedicks on Establishment Clause Jurisprudence
Professor Fred Gedicks has posted his newest paper, Undoing Neutrality? From Separation to Tolerance in Establishment Clause Jurisprudence, to SSRN. More of Professor Gedicks's papers on SSRN can be found here.
12 May 2010
Moore on Treaties
Professor David Moore has recently posted his newest paper, Do U.S. Courts Discriminate Against Treaties? Equivalence, Duality, and Treaty Non-Self-Execution, to SSRN. This Essay will be published in the Columbia Law Review. View …
28 April 2010
Externships and Mentoring
Professor James Backman has recently posted his newest article, Externships and New Lawyer Mentoring: The Practicing Lawyer's Role in Educating New Lawyers, to SSRN. Professor Backman has studied and written extensively about externships. …
12 April 2010
Legal Treatises by Subject
Legal treatises are an extremely important legal research tool. It's been a topic on this blog before and it's something you should be aware of before you head off for your summer work. …
02 April 2010
Disaster Mythology and the Law
Professor Lisa Grow Sun has recently posted her article, Disaster Mythology and the Law, to SSRN. Professor Sun's article has been accepted for publication in the Cornell Law Review.
17 March 2010
Unpacking Adaptability
Professor Gordon Smith has recently posted one of his newest articles, Unpacking Adaptability, to SSRN. Co-authored with Andreas Engert, this article was published in the Brigham Young University Law Review in 2009. For …
08 March 2010
Interview Questions
As a law student I never quite had a grasp on how to respond when an interviewer asked, "Do you have any questions for us?" I always came up with something, but I …
02 March 2010
Elder Oaks at Harvard Law
Elder Dallin H. Oaks, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS Church, was at Harvard Law School last Friday to speak at the annual Mormonism 101 Series organized …
25 February 2010
Prof. Dominguez Articles
Professor David Dominguez has recently posted several of this articles to SSRN. Here's the list: Legal Education and the Ecology of Cultural Justice: How Affirmative Action Can Become Race-Neutral by 2028 Community Lawyering …
17 February 2010
Worse than Exemption
Professor null has recently posted one of his recent articles, Worse than Exemption, on SSRN. Co-authored with Robert J. Peroni and Stephen E. Shay, this article was published in the Emory Law Journal …
02 February 2010
Dominguez on Affirmative Action
Professor David Dominguez's article Legal Education and the Ecology of Cultural Justice: How Affirmative Action Can Become Race-Neutral by 2028 has recently been published in the Oregon Law Review.
25 January 2010
Prof. Sun in Deseret News
"Reports of looting and violence in post-earthquake Haiti are likely exagerrated and may hinder relief efforts, according to a Brigham Young University law professor," begins an article in the Deseret News last weekend. …
21 January 2010
Prof. Sun on Haiti
Professor Lisa Grow Sun's recent blog post on Concurring Opinions examines the lessons Haiti can draw from Hurricane Katrina.
14 January 2010
Disaster Law and Policy
Professor Lisa Grow Sun has recently co-authored the second edition of the disaster law textbook Disaster Law and Policy. Professor Sun's co-authors are Professors Daniel A. Farber, Jim Chen, and Robert Verchick. Professor …
12 January 2010
Prof. Smith Essay
Professor Gordon Smith has recently posted his essay, Legal Precursors of Transaction Cost Economics, to SSRN. For all of Prof. Smith's articles and essays on SSRN, click here.
03 December 2009
Prof. Gedicks Papers
Professor Fred Gedicks has posted two new articles to SSRN. The first, The Recurring Paradox of Groups in the Liberal State, will be published in the Utah Law Review. The second, American Civil …
18 November 2009