The Law Library has recently subscribed to the International Institute for Strategic Studies' Armed Conflicts…
We are excited to announce the addition of a new database to our collections: Jus Mundi for international arbitration research. Jus Mundi has an extensive collection of cases for investment arbitration, commercial arbitration, international trade, public international law, and law of the sea through its partnerships with the International Chamber of Commerce, International Court of Arbitration, the International Centre for Dispute Resolution, the International Bar Association, and more. Use Jus Mundi to search for international arbitration cases, treaties, and rules by keyword. You can filter treaties by status (signed, in force, terminated, in negotiation, etc.), signatory, date of adoption, and date of entry into force. You can filter cases by case type (commercial arbitration, sports arbitration, inter-state, etc.), tribunal, rules of procedure, applicable treaty or law, and case status. You can also search in multiple languages.
Jus Mundi’s CiteMap is a citator tool that shows cases that cite your case or a paragraph in your case. You can also use CiteMap to locate cases that cite procedural rules and treaties. Wiki Notes is another helpful tool that provides discussion of arbitration concepts with links to case law within Jus Mundi. These notes are written by experienced practitioners and academics in the field.
Some Jus Mundi features are not available to us through our academic subscription, primarily the Conflict Checker and the ability to filter cases by attorney or arbitrator, but we can view profiles including arbitration track records.
For more information, click here to view Jus Mundi’s short tutorial videos.