The Law Library has recently acquired access to EnergyWire, ClimateWire, Environment & Energy Daily ( E&E Daily), GreenWire and E&E News PM for the BYU Law School community. Each of these sources provide objective, timely and comprehensive information for tracking environmental and energy policy, politics, science and news.

EnergyWire: Daily coverage on Electric Utilities, Oil & Gas, Energy Development, and the transforming Energy Sector

ClimateWire: Coverage of the debate over Climate Policy and its effects on Business, the Environment & Society

E&E Daily: The best way to track Congress

Greenwire: Coverage of Federal Agencies, States, Courts, Industry, Endangered Species, & Natural Resources

E&ENews PM: keeps you informed in real time on all Late Breaking News

E&E TV: interviews with Key Policy Leaders


Faculty and students can sign up for access here:

  1. Select the alerts you wish to receive
  2. Scroll down to ACCOUNT TYPE and select “I am a new user signing up for access.”
  3. Complete the registration & click “SIGN UP NOW”
  4. Within a day or so you will receive an email response with your log in credentials