Starting November 26th the Law Library will be open from 6am to 1am to help…
While November means election time, for law students it also means finals are looming. I always remember feeling a bit more worried as the calendar turned to November. In the hopes of alleviating some of that worry I will spend some of November blogging about some useful finals prep tools that the library provides. In this first post I wanted to alert you to some CDs and audio cassettes that are popular with many students. The series is called Sum and Substance and the library owns CDs and tapes on a variety of subjects in this series. A good way to find them is to type in sum and substance in the library catalog search box on the Law Library webpage:
You will notice that the first several results you get are “on order.” The Library is in the process of updating its Sum and Substance CD collection to better assist you in your finals prep. When these CDs arrive the catalog will reflect that. For now we still have many CDs and tapes that will be useful to you. These materials are available for checkout at the circulation desk for a 24 hour time period.