When discussing electronic legal research, it's difficult not to focus on Westlaw and LexisNexis. They…
I’ve just returned from a family vacation and am trying to get back into the work routine. You know how that is. I’m glad to see that our new webpage is up and running. Thanks to Laurie Urquiaga for all the hard work she put into the new design. Let us know what you think here.
In an unrelated note I got a phone call yesterday from one of my former legal research students about Utah legislative history. While I was showing him what is available online at the Utah legislature page I noticed something I hadn’t seen before – a link to Utah House Working Bills (1896- 1989). This is good news for Utah legislative history researchers. Up until now Utah legislative history prior to the early 1990s wasn’t available online. Now it looks like that is beginning to change as the Utah State Archives digitizes these bills. The website says that they are only 30% completed with this project at this point, but this is a big step in the right direction.
Those of you that need to do Utah legislative history research will also be interested in this guide created by the Utah State Archives.