Lieberman Receives BYU Law Award

Last week, the J. Reuben Clark Law Society and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies presented the International Religious Liberty Award to Senator Joseph Lieberman. Dean Jim Rasband presented the award …

Constitution Day 2010

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. The law school will be holding a Supreme Court Review panel at 1pm with several former Supreme Court clerks, …

BYU Football and BYU Law

Dick Harmon's recent article in the Deseret News about the behind-the-scenes working of BYU's recent move to football independence and its deal with ESPN revealed that some of the key players have BYU …

Prof. Nuñez in Deseret News

Professor Carolina Nuñez's recent article, Fractured Membership: Deconstructing Territoriality to Secure Rights and Remedies for the Undocumented Worker, was featured in a recent Deseret News article. BYU Professor Says Courts Not Protecting Undocumented Workers

Justice Lee

Professor Tom Lee was confirmed today by the Utah State Senate in a unanimous vote and will now become a Justice of the Utah Supreme Court. KSL Audio from the Utah Senate Floor

BYU Law Ranked 33rd

BYU Law School is ranked 33rd in Brian Leiter's Ranking of Top 40 Law Schools by Student (Numerical) Quality 2010. The ranking is described as "the top 40 schools in terms of student …

Prof. Lee Confirmation Hearing

Professor Tom Lee's Utah Supreme Court confirmation hearing was held yesterday. The Senate confirmation committee voted unanimously in support of Prof. Lee. His nomination will now go before the full Utah Senate on …

Moore on Treaties

Professor David Moore has recently posted his newest paper, Do U.S. Courts Discriminate Against Treaties? Equivalence, Duality, and Treaty Non-Self-Execution, to SSRN. This Essay will be published in the Columbia Law Review. View …

Law School Awards 2010

Last night was the Annual Awards Banquet and Barrister's Ball. It was a great event and we had the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of many of the Law School's students, faculty and …

Prof. Dominguez Articles

Professor David Dominguez has recently posted several of this articles to SSRN. Here's the list: Legal Education and the Ecology of Cultural Justice: How Affirmative Action Can Become Race-Neutral by 2028 Community Lawyering …