13 October 2010
Lieberman Receives BYU Law Award
17 September 2010
Constitution Day 2010
Today we celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. The law school will be holding a Supreme Court Review panel at 1pm with several former Supreme Court clerks, …
15 September 2010
Tarkington on Attorney Speech
Professor Margaret Tarkington, who is visiting at the University of Cincinnati College of Law this year, has posted two of her newest articles to SSRN. The first, Government Speech and the Publicly Employed …
14 September 2010
BYU Football and BYU Law
Dick Harmon's recent article in the Deseret News about the behind-the-scenes working of BYU's recent move to football independence and its deal with ESPN revealed that some of the key players have BYU …
31 August 2010
Prof. Nuñez in Deseret News
Professor Carolina Nuñez's recent article, Fractured Membership: Deconstructing Territoriality to Secure Rights and Remedies for the Undocumented Worker, was featured in a recent Deseret News article. BYU Professor Says Courts Not Protecting Undocumented Workers
24 August 2010
Prof. Daniels Papers
Professor Brigham Daniels is one of our new additions to the law school this year. He comes to us from the University of Houston Law Center with an expertise in environmental law. He …
08 August 2010
Prof. Nuñez on Undocumented Workers
Professor Carolina Nuñez's newest article, Fractured Membership: Deconstructing Territoriality to Secure Rights and Remedies for the Undocumented Worker, has recently been published in the Wisconsin Law Review and is now available on SSRN.
23 June 2010
Justice Lee
Professor Tom Lee was confirmed today by the Utah State Senate in a unanimous vote and will now become a Justice of the Utah Supreme Court. KSL Audio from the Utah Senate Floor
23 June 2010
BYU Law Ranked 33rd
BYU Law School is ranked 33rd in Brian Leiter's Ranking of Top 40 Law Schools by Student (Numerical) Quality 2010. The ranking is described as "the top 40 schools in terms of student …
18 June 2010
Thomas on the Public Forum Doctrine
Professor David A. Thomas recently posted his latest article, Whither the Public Forum Doctrine: Has this Creature of the Courts Outlived its Usefulness?, to SSRN. Professor Thomas's article was published in the Real …
16 June 2010
Prof. Lee Confirmation Hearing
Professor Tom Lee's Utah Supreme Court confirmation hearing was held yesterday. The Senate confirmation committee voted unanimously in support of Prof. Lee. His nomination will now go before the full Utah Senate on …
28 May 2010
Prof. Lee, UT Supreme Court Nominee
Utah Governor Gary Herbert nominated Professor Tom Lee this morning to fill the vacancy on the Utah Supreme Court. Salt Lake Tribune Deseret News
27 May 2010
Gedicks on Establishment Clause Jurisprudence
Professor Fred Gedicks has posted his newest paper, Undoing Neutrality? From Separation to Tolerance in Establishment Clause Jurisprudence, to SSRN. More of Professor Gedicks's papers on SSRN can be found here.
12 May 2010
Moore on Treaties
Professor David Moore has recently posted his newest paper, Do U.S. Courts Discriminate Against Treaties? Equivalence, Duality, and Treaty Non-Self-Execution, to SSRN. This Essay will be published in the Columbia Law Review. View …
02 April 2010
Disaster Mythology and the Law
Professor Lisa Grow Sun has recently posted her article, Disaster Mythology and the Law, to SSRN. Professor Sun's article has been accepted for publication in the Cornell Law Review.
26 March 2010
Law School Awards 2010
Last night was the Annual Awards Banquet and Barrister's Ball. It was a great event and we had the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of many of the Law School's students, faculty and …
12 March 2010
Religiously Affiliated Law Schools Conference
BYU Law School will host the 2010 Conference of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools on March 18-19, 2010. The conference theme is "Blessing the Lives of Our Law Students: Opportunities and Challenges." Program and …
25 February 2010