Patrick Henry

Judge McConnell gave a very interesting and insightful lecture today on "Patrick Henry and the Deepest Meaning of the Constitution." I learned much about this overlooked founding father, who Judge McConnell called the …

Judge McConnell

Tomorrow the Law School will host Judge Michael W. McConnell of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals for the Distinguished Annual Lecture. His topic will be "Patrick Henry and the Deepest Meaning of …

Law Books to China

Under the direction of Professor Wardle, our law faculty has donated law books to be used for legal education in China. Read the BYU News Release here.

Prof. Smith’s Blog

Did you know that we have a well-known legal blogger in our midst? Well, we do (and it's certainly not me). Professor Gordon Smith is the co-founder of and regular contributor to Conglomerate, …

Dean Rasband

Yesterday it was announced that Dean James R. Rasband was appointed to serve as Associate Academic Vice-President for Faculty at the University level effective January 14, 2008. Read the BYU News Release.

Prof. Preston on WiFi

Professor Cheryl Preston has recently written a Utah Bar Journal article entitled "WiFi in Utah." Those with a Westlaw password can access the article here. (The article is not yet available on Lexis.) …

Rex E. Lee Advocacy Program

The Rex E. Lee Advocacy Program is nationally recognized as one of the top programs of its kind. In 2007 it was ranked 32nd in the country. In addition, the Advocacy Program has …

Chief Justice Roberts and Rex Lee

In Chief Justice Roberts' Forum speech today he spent a few minutes praising the public service of our founding Dean, Rex E. Lee. He praised Dean Lee's optimism and work ethic. In doing …

Prepping for the Chief Justice

 Chief Justice John G. Roberts will be here tomorrow for a BYU Forum and then at the Law School for a Question and Answer session with the law school community. In preparation for …

International Law and Religion Symposium

The International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young University is hosting the Fourteenth Annual International Law and Relgion Symposium here at the Law School today and tomorrow. This year's Symposium …

The Legacy of J. Reuben Clark

On Sunday, Oct. 7 at 12:30 pm BYU cable television will show The Legacy of J. Reuben Clark. This documentary details the life of our law school's namesake and was produced by the …

Prof. Dominguez Receives Award

Professor David Dominguez received UVSC's Excellence in Ethics Award yesterday for his work in the community. Read about it in this article from the Deseret Morning News. (Thanks to Professor Wardle for the …

Welcome, New Students!

On behalf of the law library faculty and staff I want to welcome all of our new students for the 2007-08 school year. We're grateful that you have chosen to be part of …

Passing of President Faust

My day started out on a sad note when reference assistant Gary Millward told me that President James E. Faust had passed away during the night. I had never met President Faust but, …

Professor EchoHawk’s Devotional

Yesterday the Law School's own Professor Larry EchoHawk spoke at the University Devotional. I attended with my colleague, David Armond. As Professor EchoHawk spoke about his life's journey, I was struck by the …