29 October 2007
Printing Statutory Text Only
17 October 2007
Over the past few days I have received several questions regarding CALI (The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction). For those who have wondered, CALI is a resource that can be used to supplement …
25 September 2007
LexisNexis Subject Searching
A few weeks back I wrote about using subject searching as an electronic research technique. I return to the subject to explore some of the subject searching possibilities in LexisNexis. In looking at …
14 September 2007
Westlaw – Key Numbers Online
As a first year, one of the key research tools you learned was the West Key Number system and the Digests. You learned that West editors examined every case and broke those cases …
11 September 2007
Subject Searching Does Exist Online
Contrary to popular belief, keyword searching isn't the only way to search for legal resources on the web. Google and other search engines have programmed us to keyword search for everything and for …
17 August 2007