Tribute to Prof. Goldsmith

Earlier this month marked one year since the passing of Professor Michael Goldsmith. The most recent issue of the BYU Law Review contains a "Tribute to Professor Michael Goldsmith" that includes several articles …

When Agencies Go Nuclear

Professor Brigham Daniels has recently posted his paper, When Agencies Go Nuclear: A Game Theoretical Approach to the Biggest Sticks in an Agency's Arsenal, to SSRN. More of Professor Daniels' papers can be …

Prof. Fleming Article

Professor Cliff Fleming has recently posted his newest article, Can Tax Expenditure Analysis Be Divorced From a Normative Tax Base?: A Critique of the 'New Paradigm' and its Denouement, to SSRN. This article …

BYU Law Ranked #2 Again

National Jurist has recently ranked BYU Law #2 in its rankings of Best Value Law Schools for the second year in a row. Dean Jim Rasband is quoted in the article. Check out …

Professors Baradaran

The Deseret News has a nice article on two of our newest professors, Mehrsa and Shima Baradaran. Sisters Become First Siblings Professors in History of BYU Law School

SCOTUS Reporter of Decisions

While this may interest a law librarian more than others, I thought I'd bring it to your attention. Recently the National Law Journal published an interview with the Supreme Court's reporter of decisions, …

Law School Admissions

The Wall Street Journal Law Blog had an interesting recent post about a new study done by Kaplan regarding law school admissions. Here's the part that blew me away, "The survey reports that …

Prof. Nuñez in Deseret News

Professor Carolina Nuñez's recent article, Fractured Membership: Deconstructing Territoriality to Secure Rights and Remedies for the Undocumented Worker, was featured in a recent Deseret News article. BYU Professor Says Courts Not Protecting Undocumented Workers

Law Firm Legal Resources

It's good to be back. After being gone for most of the month of July (visiting Colorado, North Carolina, and different parts of Utah) I'm happy to say the blog posts will start …

The Bluebook, 19th Edition

If you haven't heard, a new edition of the Bluebook has been released and is available this summer. I haven't received my copy yet (and would be lying if I said I was …

Prof. Lee Confirmation Hearing

Professor Tom Lee's Utah Supreme Court confirmation hearing was held yesterday. The Senate confirmation committee voted unanimously in support of Prof. Lee. His nomination will now go before the full Utah Senate on …